In Ayurveda, obesity, weight gain or sthoulya is a kapha vata medo pradhana vyadhi, the vitiation of these over time lead to vitiation of other dhatus in the body. In ayurvedic physiology, sthoulya is caused by sanga (obstruction) of the medovaha srotas and the origin of this condition is through the gut. Management of sthoulya patient is tricky as vata hara treatment may lead to increase in kapha and medas and kapha hara treatment may lead to increase in vata, therefore it is important to keep both kapha and vata vitiation in mine while treating sthaoulya. The general line of treatment in sthoulya consists of the following aspects :
1. Deepana and pachana : Patient is given Ayurvedic medicines for oral administration to ignite the digestive power and improve in general metabolic activities of the body.
2. Rukshana therapy : These therapies include Ayurvedic massages like udwartana (powder massage) that helps in desolving the meda vitiation in the body.
3. Vata kapha detoxification : There are many types of detoxification therapies in ayurveda and Panchakarma For sthoulya treatment ( weight loss ) , the detoxification process that most suits the individual's current dosha vitiation is selected. Generally, kshara and lekhana bastis can be given to atisthoulya patients, after under an Ayurvedic doctor's observation.
4. Diet Management : The kind of food you intake is a well known factor of unnecessary weight gain. Diet restrictions don't have to be very rigid, since ayurvedic treatments focus on complete physical, mental, spiritual and emotional well being, the individual himself doesn't feel the need to overeat.
5. Yoga and exercise : yoga and exercise help maintain the weight loss and also prevent any future health problems. If pranayama (breathing exercises) is also included, then the benefits are numerous.
Changes can be there in the selection of these treatments according to the patient's requirements. Visit Our centre (Amos arya vaidyasala) in Ramphal chowk, dwarka sector 7, new delhi, near shiksha bharti school, to begin your journey towards healthy living.