Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative joint disorder, commonly caused by wear and tear of the joints as the age advances , though it can also be caused by some underlying primary disease of joints. In Ayurveda, osteoarthritis can be correlated to sandhi gata vata, i.e. vata vitiation in joints. A person suffering from sandhi gata vata might experience shopha ( swelling) and pain during prasarana ( extension) and aakunjana ( extension) of the joints. The treatment for this disease in Ayurveda is ususally based on snehana ( oleation therapy) , swedana( sudation therapy ), vata shamana and rasayana ( rejuvenating therapies) like Janu basti ( a treatment where medicated oil is made to stance over the knee joints ), kaya seka ( here medicated oil/liquid is poured over the whole body or a specific part ) etc, after assessment of dosha and prakriti by an ayurvedic doctor.