Hemiplegia is a kind of paralysis that affects only one side of the body. It can be caused by vascular, infective , traumatic , neoplastic causes , demylination or due to some underlying disease condition. The patient experiences loss of motor functions and/or loss of sensation, muscle spasms, difficulty in speech, etc.
Ayurveda treatments have shown miraculous results in hemiplegia or Pakshaghata. The treatment is usually based on pacification of vata dosha with the help of ayurvedic medicines, snehapana ( intake of medicated ghrita) , abhyanga ( medicated oil massage) and detoxifying procedures like basti ( enema), virechana ( medically induced purgation) etc. Nasya (nasal instillation of medicines) therapy is also very beneficial in neurological disorders. These treatment differ from person to person based on their dosha vitiation, avarana, vaya, kala, bala etc.