Virechana therapy is one of the most efficient detoxification processes in Ayurved. Virechana helps in expulsion.of the aggregated pitta dosha in the body and also sets the vitiated vata in the downward direction (vata anulomana). Excessive pitta aggregation in the body can hamper create an excessive feeling of heat in the body, restless, angry and easily irritable and Virechana helpd remove this pitta vitiation.
Virechana procedure if conduted over 2- 3 weeks during which there would be external oleation procedures like abhayanga ( oil massage) , the diet is controlled under constant supervision and the body is made to evacuate the multiple bouts of bowels on a particular day, followed by gradual reseting of diet and strength giving medications.
The results of Virechana process have proven to be of exceptional benefits in gastric issues, skin disorders, infertility, Pcod / pcos, etc. Individuals often feel a new sense of direction and calmness after this detoxification therapy.