Welcome To Amos Arya Vaidyasala


What are the properties of Ashwagandha plant
Ashwagandha ( Withania somnifera ) is an ancient Indian medicinal plant, widely used in ayurved...
Osteoarthritis Ayurvedic treatment
Osteoarthritis (OA)  is a degenerative joint disorder, commonly caused by wear and tear of the ...
Hemiplegia is a kind of paralysis that affects only one side of the body. It can be caused by vascul...
Varicose Veins Treatment
Varicose veins are the dilated, tortuous, elongated, palpable superficial veins due to excessive pre...
Cervical Spondylosis
Cervical spondylosis is a degenerative condition of the cervical part of the spine, commonly seen ov...
Acidity can be caused by many problems. It can occur naturally after eating a full meal or due ...
Ayurvedic Diet and Lifestyle
Ayurveda explains deeply about the importance of Dinacharya ( daily regimen ), Ritucarya (regimens t...
Weight loss through ayurveda
In Ayurveda,  obesity, weight gain or sthoulya is a kapha vata medo pradhana vyadhi, the vitiat...
Ayurvedic herbal facial
Mukhalepa (herbal paste  application over face) is an tradtional ayurvedic practice mentio...
Cope with stress anxiety and depression naturally
Ayurveda acharyas have mentioned treatments for mano vikaras in their scriptures way before the mode...
Kidney stone treatment
Kidney stone is a common complaint in people these days. This is mostly because of the hectic lifest...
why should you always consult a doctor before taking ayurvedic medicines
It is a common misconception that Ayurvedic medicines can be taken for a long time without the need ...
is there a treatment for migraine in Ayurveda
Migraine headaches are significantly more painful than normal headaches caused by sinusitis, gastric...
What are the benefits of triphala
Triphala is the combination of three fruits i.e. Amlaki (Phyllanthus emblica) ,  Haritaki (Term...
Types of Ayurvedic Massages
Other than the commonly known abhyanga (medicated oil massage), there are many other massages that a...
3 Yoga Asanas for Diabetes
Yoga is the way to holistic living, it offer both physical and mental well being, as well as paves a...
Treat Sinusitis through ayurveda
Ayurvedic Treatment procedures like Nasya (Methodical nasal installation of medicated oil or dravya)...
Diet tips for high blood sugar
Are you suffering from diabetes? If you are hanging on the margin of blood sugar limit, Here are som...
is there treatment for sleeplessness in ayurveda
Nidra or sleep is a part of Trayo-upasthambha or the three pillars of life. When a person is not abl...
sore muscle treatment by cupping therapy
Cupping therapy  involves creating a vacuum by suction at the superficial layer of the skin pro...
Detoxification through panchakarma
Virechana therapy is one of the most efficient detoxification processes in Ayurved. Virechana helps ...
Tennis elbow treatment in ayurveda
Tennis elbow is also known as Lateral Epicondylitis, which is cause by repeated strenuous movement o...
Authentic Ayurvedic therapies in delhi
Can't take leave from office? Don't have time to go to kerala to experience authentic Ayurve...
PCOD Ayurvedic Treatment
PCOD or polycystic overian disease has become one of the most common diseases seen in women of repro...
Ayurvedic eye therapies
Are you constantly rubbing your eyes? Are you constantly exposing your eyes to the computer screen?&...
Fatty liver treatment in ayurveda
Get treatment for fatty liver at amos arya vaidyasala with panchakarma detox procedures and Ayurvedi...
Get your immunity back naturally
We are losing our touch with nature . Our body is getting too spoiled, it is slowly loosing its stre...
Pain and inflammation treatment in ayurveda
Upanaha is an Ayurvedic bandaging technique for painful parts of the body. A medicated powder paste ...
Ayurvedic Nourishing therapy
This potali massage is highly beneficial in improving muscle tone. It is used mostly in paralysis pa...
IBS Ayurvedic Treatment
Irritable bowel syndrome is a chronic non inflammatory disorder in which the person experiences incr...
Psoriasis Ayurvedic treatment  in Delhi
Psoriasis is a chronic non infectious skin diseasein which itchy, scaly rashes are formed at, most c...
Treatment for Rheumatoid arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease effecting our joints caused by our immune system attac...
Anaemia Treatment in ayurveda
Do you suffer from anaemia?  Do you feel tired and dizzy all the time because if it and want to...
Natural care for hypothyroidism
The Thyroid gland lies on the front side of the neck , Below the Voice box. TSH , Released by Antiri...
Treatment for high Blood pressure
Hypertension or High blood pressure can result from a number of physical and mental disorders. ...
Treatment for allergy in ayurveda
Urticaria or hives mostly appear as an allergic reaction to food, environmental factors, medicines e...
what food to eat during pregnancy
Pregnant ladies should take care of the following things in their diet :  Meals should no...
painful periods treatment in ayurveda
Many women these days are suffering from painful lower abdominal cramps, to a point that they are no...
what to do when you are nearing menopause
Peri-menopausal  symptoms  includes a wide range of physical, mental and emotional changes...
8 branches of Ayurveda
Did you know , there are 8 branches of Ayurvedic treatment? let us expand our knowledge base and lea...
Instagram page for ayurveda
Follow our Instagram page @amos_arya_vaidyasala for exciting new offers and to learn about Ayurveda,...
Eye therapy in ayurveda
Be it working on a laptop    in the office or scrolling through reels on your phone, ...
Ayurveda from Kerala to you
Amos arya vaidyasala, Kerala Ayurveda Panchakarma wellness centre located in Dwarka sector 7, Delhi ...
Heel pain relief
Calcaneal spur is a is a bony outgrowth which develops at the heel bone. Rist factor for developing ...